Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hamlet Questions 2

What is Polonius's relationship with Reynaldo? Reynaldo Is The Bulter Of Polonius 
What is Polonius's relationship with Laertes? Polonuis Is Laertes's Father.
What is Laertes relationship with Reynaldo? Laertes And Reynaldo Is Nothing He There Servant Of Laertes And Reynaldo Is Being Sent To Paris By Polonuis To Spy On Laertes.
How does the father of Ophelia, Polonius, interpret Hamlet's madness? Why is he wrong? What is Hamlet really going crazy over? Polonius Thinks That Hamlet Madness Is Because Hamlet Is Heartbroken Over Ophelia.Hamlet Is Really Going Crazy Because He Havent Yet Revange His Father Death.
 In this scene we run into the popular phrase "To be or not to be" (Original Text) How does the modern text interpret this? Why is Hamlet thinking about this question?  Hamlet Is Thinkin About This Question Because He Was Thinking About If He Wanted To Be Alive Or Dead. Also He Is Trying To See If He Want To Be Alive Still Or Will He Be Better Off Dead.
If I Was a Interviewer and I wanted To get to know the whole story i would make small conversation with Hamlet Then I Would Ask Him , Why You Been So Angry ? How Do You Feel About Your Mother And The King ? Why You Never Talk About Your Father ? What Happend To Your Father ? Why Do You Treat The King The Way You Do ? Why Are You Acting This Way Towards Your Mother ? Why Are You So Angry With The King ?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ericia W

There Was A Different Between The Hamlet By Shakespeare And The Simpsons Clip. In The Simpsons Clip It Started Off When Bart(Hamlet) Was In The Bed Sleep And Homer(The Ghost) Came Into Bart(Hamlet) Room And Said Hamlet Revenage Me. Bart(Hamlet)Then Said It Look Like You Return From The Buffet To Homer(Ghost) But In Hamlet By Shakespeare Hamlet Saw The Ghost Because Horatio And Marcellus Came  To Hamlet And Told Him About The Ghost They Had Been Seeing For The Last Couple Of Nights. When The Ghost Saw Hamlet There He Wouldnt Speak Because He Saw The Others Around Instead The Ghost Waved Hamlet To Come With Him. As Hamlet Tried To Leave Marcellus And Horatio Tried To Hold Him Back. Marcellus Then Said "Sir , Your Not Going". Hamlet Said "Let Me Go". Also Hamlet Said "It's Still Waving At Me----- Go Head I Will Follow". Hamlet Then Followed The Ghost Then Marcellus And Horatio Tried To Talk Him Out Of Going With The Ghost But Hamlet Still Went With The Ghost. As Hamlet Was With The Ghost The Ghost Told Hamlet What The Uncle Did To Him And We Need To Get Revenge. On The Other Hand In The Simpsons Version Bart Was Saying Funny Things. In Shakespeare Hamlet Was Shocked Of The News He Was Hearing. Also Homer Was Trying Grab Bart When He Made The Funny Joke. In The Simpsons Version Homer Never Broke Out Into A Rash But In Shakespeare Version He Went Into Detail What Happenend He Gave More Of A Visual Image. In The Simpsons Bart Said Was The Fat Ghost True About What He Said And He Asked The Ghost What To Do The Ghost Said He Didnt Know Then He Left And Came Back. Afterwards Bart Said That He Had To Get Moe(The Uncle) To Confess And He Was Gone Kill Him. Next They Ended Up At a Show And Bart Was Giving Hints About That Moe Killed Homer. Then Moe Had Told On His Self But He Made Up a Excuse People Brought. At The Show Lisa(Ophelia) Started To Act Crazy Because Of Bart. Finally Polonius Was Behind The Queen curtins When Bart Went In Her Room To Kill Moe. Bart Stabbed Polonius And Killed Him Before He Died He Told His Son Laertes To Revage His Death. In The Dinning Room Moe Had Covered Everything With Poising And Gave Laertes A Sword Where Laertes Killed His-self. Moe Was Killed By Bart And Bart Slipped On Some Blood And Died And The Queen Killed Herself Because She Didnt Want To Clean Up The Blood. In Shakespeare The Last Thing That Happenend Was The Hamlet Made Marcellus And Horatio To Promise They Would Never Talk About The Ghost And What They Saw.