Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hamlet Questions 2

What is Polonius's relationship with Reynaldo? Reynaldo Is The Bulter Of Polonius 
What is Polonius's relationship with Laertes? Polonuis Is Laertes's Father.
What is Laertes relationship with Reynaldo? Laertes And Reynaldo Is Nothing He There Servant Of Laertes And Reynaldo Is Being Sent To Paris By Polonuis To Spy On Laertes.
How does the father of Ophelia, Polonius, interpret Hamlet's madness? Why is he wrong? What is Hamlet really going crazy over? Polonius Thinks That Hamlet Madness Is Because Hamlet Is Heartbroken Over Ophelia.Hamlet Is Really Going Crazy Because He Havent Yet Revange His Father Death.
 In this scene we run into the popular phrase "To be or not to be" (Original Text) How does the modern text interpret this? Why is Hamlet thinking about this question?  Hamlet Is Thinkin About This Question Because He Was Thinking About If He Wanted To Be Alive Or Dead. Also He Is Trying To See If He Want To Be Alive Still Or Will He Be Better Off Dead.
If I Was a Interviewer and I wanted To get to know the whole story i would make small conversation with Hamlet Then I Would Ask Him , Why You Been So Angry ? How Do You Feel About Your Mother And The King ? Why You Never Talk About Your Father ? What Happend To Your Father ? Why Do You Treat The King The Way You Do ? Why Are You Acting This Way Towards Your Mother ? Why Are You So Angry With The King ?

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