Saturday, March 17, 2012

1.The animals knew more about the land the animals where more connected to the land then the humans.
2.Everyone worked as hard as they did when they were controlled by the humans , they worked from dusk to dawn.
3.No. I don't everyone will remain equal because sooner someone will try and take over and they will wanna be in charged this will cause war.
4. The humans didn't like the animal farm because the animals was in no longer need of them.Do the humane started spreading rumors saying the animals where no organize or capable of handling things.
5. Mollie left because she missed the things the humans use to do for her.
6.I don't like the changes Napoleon made because he was starting to act like the humans by Reyna control the animals
7. The propaganda I see is the animals trying be independent and stand on their own but soon they will start to miss what the humans use to do for them.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Animal Farm1

Old Major
Blue Bell(dog)
Boxer(cart horse)
Clover(cart horse)
Old Major because he gives them the courage to fight for animal rights.

Old Major says the relationship between the humans and animals is the humans use the animals for work but mistreat them because the humans feed them enough food to live.

Snowball, Napoleon, Squealer is the pigs who put Major speech into a movement. Snowball was quiet & Big, Napoleon was talkative ,Squeaker was a good debater.

Mr.Jones forgot to feed the animals so the animals broke into the food and started eating. When Mr.Jones came back when he heard the commotion and he and his men went to see what was a the commotion was when he got outside he saw what the animals did.They was then attacked by the animals then Mrs.Jones came out and she was attacked by the raven and overall at the end the animals won. The animals burned everything that reminded them of Mr.Jones and everything that was offensives toward animals.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Monday - According to the text, is growing up more dangerous for a Digital Native than it was for previous generations? Explain

The text says its more dangerous for a digital native because now they have cyber bullies, online stalkers and have graphic images and websites that is not good for children too see.

Tuesday- How is cyberbullying different that bullying? Please go beyond the obvious response of using the internet. How does it affect the victim and the bully?

Cyberbullying is different from bullying because it is hard too know who is bullying u because it can be someone who is using a false identity. Also if they put something up about u its nothing u can do about it and it can be spreaded through the Internet gobally. The victim is affected in a beg way because they can nit get any justice and they have no way too stop what is being said about them er the net. The bully is getting away with the crime and they will continue too go around hurt other people the bully can also cause someone too seriously hurt them self's because of the pain.

Wednesday - How has the internet changed the way digital native interact with strangers? Why, does the text, indicate this as a safety issue?

The Internet change the way digtial native interact with strangers because the digital native. They feel as if they know the stranger because of the conversations they have had over the net.
they invest trust in the strangers on the net because they feel as if they know them because.of the information the stranger has given to them. In the text they use the Julie doe case as a reason how people put trust in strangers. In the Julie case she got kidnapped and rape.

Thursday - What can digital natives due to stay safe online? What are some examples given by the text?

Digital natives due to stay safe online is too be more aware of the safety issues on the net. Also learn what Actions too take if they ever get into a problem like the Julia case. They also need to have more privacy on thier personal information. Digital Natives need too have very well social norm habits too be more safe.

Friday- How has the government attempt to improve safety on the internet?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday - Chapter 3 pg 53-64- Create a passage map for 10 consecutive paragraphs
Paragraph 1 - Data privacy create trouble for us 
Paragraph 2 - Digital native are subject more too data privacy problems
Paragraph 3 - Digital native in denial of privacy issuesP 4- Information is more accessible
P 5 - Some adults has bad internet habits
P 6 - When a adult , the consequences when young cant be changed 
P 7 - New ways need to be develop for exploring the net
P 8 - Digital native can control their actions on the net
P 9 - Info you give can be hidden to others
P 10 - Digital native give away their info

Tuesday-  Chapter 3 pgs 64-74 - In what ways have you parents restricted your use of technology because of privacy scares? According to Born Digital, was this the best way to go about protecting your privacy? 

My parent havent restrict my technology all she say is do not get a virus or give my info away. Born Digital say that the Born Native and Born Immigrant need to get a bond where they share postive actions when it comes to privacy.

Wednesday- Finish Chapter 3 - Has your digital privacy ever been broken? Explain how and why this happened. How can you prevent this in the future.

No my digital privacy hasnt been broken because i keep everything so only I can view my IMPORTANT info but when I do make posts I go back and delete them.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Born Digital

Describe what a "Digital Immigrant", "Digital Settler" and "Digital Native". What category do you fall under? Why? Then name two people that fall under the other two categories and explain why.

A digital native is someone who knows nothing but digital they was born into the digital world. A digital immigrant is someone who was there at the start of the digital golden age. A digital settler is someone who durning there time the digital age was not though of but since it was invented they have adapted to the digtal ways. The category i fall under is a digital native because since the time I was born technology was all thats has been used and also since i been born it has been advancing. My mom is a digital immigrant because as she was going up technology started to develope but it wasnt as popular as it is today. My great grandma is a digtal settler because she has learned to settle and get use too the technology ways.
What is the main goal of this book? Who is its intended audience? How does this knowledge change your approach to reading the book?

The main goal of this book is to show digtal immigrant and settler the ways that digtal native seen technology. Its a way to let digtal immigrant and settlers a way in are world. This knowledge change my way of reading this book because i need to put myself in someone who is not a digital native shoes.

How has the creation of an identify changed in the digital age? (As opposed to the agrarian or industrial age)

The creation of an identify change in the digital age because now u can see see things in many different ways. Things are not viewed in one way anymore you can actully see and has your own emotions towards whatever you are viewing at the moment. 

What role does Facebook or other social networking sites play in the creation of a "Digital Native" forming an identity (of multiple identities). Based on personal experience do you think the writers of the book are accurate?

Social Networks is a way to share you identity to the world but also you can become someone who you are not and no one will ever no. You can get your identity stole and someone can pretent as you and you will never know because things on social networks are always as they seem.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Finale Project blood is thicker

I Got A 8/10
What did Savon have in his drawer ?
-Cd's and money

What does the main character work parttime ?
-His uncle furniture store

1.What will be Hakeem's Feelings towards Savon when he first move to Detroit ?
2.Why will Hakeem have too step up and take control ?
3.What simliarites do Hakeem And Savon have in common ?
4.Why do Hakeem And Savon have so much angry towards eachother ?
5.Explain Hakeem And His Father Relationship.