Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday - Chapter 3 pg 53-64- Create a passage map for 10 consecutive paragraphs
Paragraph 1 - Data privacy create trouble for us 
Paragraph 2 - Digital native are subject more too data privacy problems
Paragraph 3 - Digital native in denial of privacy issuesP 4- Information is more accessible
P 5 - Some adults has bad internet habits
P 6 - When a adult , the consequences when young cant be changed 
P 7 - New ways need to be develop for exploring the net
P 8 - Digital native can control their actions on the net
P 9 - Info you give can be hidden to others
P 10 - Digital native give away their info

Tuesday-  Chapter 3 pgs 64-74 - In what ways have you parents restricted your use of technology because of privacy scares? According to Born Digital, was this the best way to go about protecting your privacy? 

My parent havent restrict my technology all she say is do not get a virus or give my info away. Born Digital say that the Born Native and Born Immigrant need to get a bond where they share postive actions when it comes to privacy.

Wednesday- Finish Chapter 3 - Has your digital privacy ever been broken? Explain how and why this happened. How can you prevent this in the future.

No my digital privacy hasnt been broken because i keep everything so only I can view my IMPORTANT info but when I do make posts I go back and delete them.

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