Sunday, November 20, 2011

Read Response (:

Monday – First 10 pages of “Gabriel’s Prayer” (87-97)
Compare Gabriel’s father to the way Gabriel raises his children. How might the way Gabriel was raised influence the way Gabriel raises John and the others?

Gabriel Dad Was Hard On Gabriel As Soon As He Was Born So Gabriel was Negetively Affected By This Gabriel is More Strict And Harsh Too His Kids He Is Raising Them How He Was Raised When He Was Younger.

Tuesday – Next 10 pages of “Gabriel’s Prayer” (98-108
In this section Gabriel has a flashback to his life as a young adult. He describes in a detail a very important woman, Deborah. Who is Deborah and how does Gabriel view her?

Gabriel view Deborah As The Request God Has Sent To Him. So He Marries Her Because He Feel Thats what God Wanted Him Too Do.

Wednesday –page (109-119)
Describe the Dream Gabriel has in this section.

Gabriel Had A Dream That The Devil Was Trying Bring Him Down And Sent Demons To Bring The Worst Out Of Him. Then He Had Another Dream That He Heard A Voice That Told Him To Come To The Top And He Started To Climb.

Thursday (120-129)
Identify three examples of vernacular language.

Tryna . ain't i . i does my best

Friday Finish Gabriel’s Prayer
The author James Baldwin uses imagery (descriptions of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch) to bring the reader into the story. Identify 3 examples of imagery (there is a particularly gruesome and depressing scene I’m thinking about)

Gabriel Climbing The Mountain And The Devil Send Demons To Come And Get Him And He Wakes Up In The Bathroom

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