Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday(151-160) - Elizabeth calls her aunt the "second" in a "series of disasters". What was the first? And how did the first disaster lead to the second? 
The First Disaster Was Elizabeth Mother Dying And As Time Goes By it Only Gets Worse

Tuesday(161-171) Elizabeth goes with Richard to New York- Although Elizabeth doesn't agree with Richards risky and anti- Christian lifestyle, why doesn't Elizabeth leave Richard? Do you agree with her decision? 
Elizabeth doesnt leave because she Felt that Richard Needed Her For Protection. And I Agree With Her Decision Because She will Get Her Blessing And Its The Right Thing Too Do Because If She was in Richard Shoes She Would Want Someone Protect Her.

Wednesday(172-183) - Identify a metaphor (NOT simile) in this section. How does this metaphor help you understand or feel as if you are in the story? 
"Hiding-place hewn in the side of the mountain". This Helps Me Understand The Story Because It Shows That Elizabeth finds comfort in Gabriel.

Thursday (184- 192)- Florence and Elizabeth have an interesting conversation about people's ability to change. From Elizabeth's prayer, do you feel she genuinely changes after Richard dies and meeting Gabriel? Why or why not? 
Yes Elizabeth Changes Because She Looks Too Gabriel As A Way Too Leave Her Sinful And Past Days Behind Her And Too Start Over And Turn Her Life Into Something Good And Better For Herself.

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