Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monday – Chapter 5
What assumption does Hakeen make about Savon? Support or challenge his assumption (claim) and give 3 reasons (grounds) why. 
Hakeem is under the impression that Savon has been reading his writings. Savon is showing that he is a bad person. Savon shows that his family and friends is not that important to him. Savon is selling drugs and no ones knows but Hakeem so he showing that he is a bad person.

Tuesday – Chapter 6
What does Uncle James mean by, “Blood is thicker than anything else.” Do you agree or disagree, why?
He means that family is going to be there no matter what, I agree because your family will always have your back no matter what disagreements yall have they are going to be there at the end of the day.

Wednesday – Chapter 7
What is Anika’s plan? Would you be able to leave everything behind? Explain.
Anika plan is to run away because she doesnt wanna go to foster care. I wouldnt be able to leave everything behind because i would have to make it on my own and also it's a cold world out there im too young too be on my 

Thursday – Chapter 8
What was the good news that excited Hakeem? What tragic event balanced the good news?
His Father is Beating The Cancer but Anika had left so know he feel as if he got no one.

Friday – Chapter 9 and 10
 What truth does Hakeem find out about Savon? How are the two boys similar according to Hakeem?
He finds out that Savon is not a thief and they are alot because they both like music Savon is a rapper and Hakeem loves too play the guitar.

They was once very close cousins then they seperated from each other so that made them become different in away. Once they got around eachother they couldnt stand each other and they didnt give eachother a chance. So far in this novel they are both seeing that they are alike in more ways then they can see.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tuesday- Chapter 1: How does Hakeem feel about moving to Detroit? Use a quote to support your position.
Hakeem Doesnt Like Moving To Detroit Because He Has To Start Over And He's Has To Leave His Friends , School , Girlfriend. He Says "If It's Anything He Can Do To Stop His Family From Moving Away , He Would Have Done It"

Wednesday -Chapter 2:  Compare Hakeem and Savon’s dedication to their family. Give examples to support your opinion.
Hakeem Doesnt Like Being In Detroit He Wishes He Was Back Home So The Fact That His In Detroit Is Affecting His Decision And Loyalty To His Family.Savon Doesn't Want Hakeem There He Upset That Hakeem Has Arrived And Is Taking His Attention Away.

Thursday- Chapter 3:  What has Hakeem become responsible for now that his father is sick?  
Hakeem Become Responsible For Stepping Up And Being The Provider , Keeping The Store Going , Looking After His Little Sisters.
Friday Chapter 4:  What does Hakeen to calm down after a near “war” with Savon? What do you do to calm down when frustrated? 
Hakeem Went Outside And Played His Guitar To Let Calm His Fristration. When Im Frustrated I Cry Or Listen Too Music Or Go To Bed

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday pages 193- 209 (1/2 of The Threshing Floor) During this part, we come back to the present where John is having a very dramatic spiritual revival.  Develop 3 specific questions you have about this part of the book. If they are answered in the second half, be sure to answer them!

What Was The Sin That John's Father Was Saying He Was Going Too Beat Out Of Him ? When Then He Realize It Was Sin In John ?

When Will John Stand Up Too His Father And Say How He Feel ?

What Made John Develop All This Sin That His Father Speak Of ?

Tuesday pages 210-221(Finish The Threshing Floor) Predict a future action for one of these characters, Florence, Gabriel, John, or Elizabeth.

John Will Finally Get Mad And Explode Tell His Father Off And Tell Him Why He Been Sinning. Also He Will Run Away And Go And Find A Life Without His Father.Finally Gabriel Will Try And Find John Too Make Amends Too His Relationship With Him After He Realize He Had Did Wrong But It Will Be A Lil Too Late So He Will Be The Cause Of The Destruction Of Him And His Son Relationship.