Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tuesday- Chapter 1: How does Hakeem feel about moving to Detroit? Use a quote to support your position.
Hakeem Doesnt Like Moving To Detroit Because He Has To Start Over And He's Has To Leave His Friends , School , Girlfriend. He Says "If It's Anything He Can Do To Stop His Family From Moving Away , He Would Have Done It"

Wednesday -Chapter 2:  Compare Hakeem and Savon’s dedication to their family. Give examples to support your opinion.
Hakeem Doesnt Like Being In Detroit He Wishes He Was Back Home So The Fact That His In Detroit Is Affecting His Decision And Loyalty To His Family.Savon Doesn't Want Hakeem There He Upset That Hakeem Has Arrived And Is Taking His Attention Away.

Thursday- Chapter 3:  What has Hakeem become responsible for now that his father is sick?  
Hakeem Become Responsible For Stepping Up And Being The Provider , Keeping The Store Going , Looking After His Little Sisters.
Friday Chapter 4:  What does Hakeen to calm down after a near “war” with Savon? What do you do to calm down when frustrated? 
Hakeem Went Outside And Played His Guitar To Let Calm His Fristration. When Im Frustrated I Cry Or Listen Too Music Or Go To Bed

1 comment:

  1. Good! Make sure you're only capitalizing first words of the sentence of names.

