Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday pages 193- 209 (1/2 of The Threshing Floor) During this part, we come back to the present where John is having a very dramatic spiritual revival.  Develop 3 specific questions you have about this part of the book. If they are answered in the second half, be sure to answer them!

What Was The Sin That John's Father Was Saying He Was Going Too Beat Out Of Him ? When Then He Realize It Was Sin In John ?

When Will John Stand Up Too His Father And Say How He Feel ?

What Made John Develop All This Sin That His Father Speak Of ?

Tuesday pages 210-221(Finish The Threshing Floor) Predict a future action for one of these characters, Florence, Gabriel, John, or Elizabeth.

John Will Finally Get Mad And Explode Tell His Father Off And Tell Him Why He Been Sinning. Also He Will Run Away And Go And Find A Life Without His Father.Finally Gabriel Will Try And Find John Too Make Amends Too His Relationship With Him After He Realize He Had Did Wrong But It Will Be A Lil Too Late So He Will Be The Cause Of The Destruction Of Him And His Son Relationship.

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