Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monday – Chapter 5
What assumption does Hakeen make about Savon? Support or challenge his assumption (claim) and give 3 reasons (grounds) why. 
Hakeem is under the impression that Savon has been reading his writings. Savon is showing that he is a bad person. Savon shows that his family and friends is not that important to him. Savon is selling drugs and no ones knows but Hakeem so he showing that he is a bad person.

Tuesday – Chapter 6
What does Uncle James mean by, “Blood is thicker than anything else.” Do you agree or disagree, why?
He means that family is going to be there no matter what, I agree because your family will always have your back no matter what disagreements yall have they are going to be there at the end of the day.

Wednesday – Chapter 7
What is Anika’s plan? Would you be able to leave everything behind? Explain.
Anika plan is to run away because she doesnt wanna go to foster care. I wouldnt be able to leave everything behind because i would have to make it on my own and also it's a cold world out there im too young too be on my 

Thursday – Chapter 8
What was the good news that excited Hakeem? What tragic event balanced the good news?
His Father is Beating The Cancer but Anika had left so know he feel as if he got no one.

Friday – Chapter 9 and 10
 What truth does Hakeem find out about Savon? How are the two boys similar according to Hakeem?
He finds out that Savon is not a thief and they are alot because they both like music Savon is a rapper and Hakeem loves too play the guitar.

They was once very close cousins then they seperated from each other so that made them become different in away. Once they got around eachother they couldnt stand each other and they didnt give eachother a chance. So far in this novel they are both seeing that they are alike in more ways then they can see.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tuesday- Chapter 1: How does Hakeem feel about moving to Detroit? Use a quote to support your position.
Hakeem Doesnt Like Moving To Detroit Because He Has To Start Over And He's Has To Leave His Friends , School , Girlfriend. He Says "If It's Anything He Can Do To Stop His Family From Moving Away , He Would Have Done It"

Wednesday -Chapter 2:  Compare Hakeem and Savon’s dedication to their family. Give examples to support your opinion.
Hakeem Doesnt Like Being In Detroit He Wishes He Was Back Home So The Fact That His In Detroit Is Affecting His Decision And Loyalty To His Family.Savon Doesn't Want Hakeem There He Upset That Hakeem Has Arrived And Is Taking His Attention Away.

Thursday- Chapter 3:  What has Hakeem become responsible for now that his father is sick?  
Hakeem Become Responsible For Stepping Up And Being The Provider , Keeping The Store Going , Looking After His Little Sisters.
Friday Chapter 4:  What does Hakeen to calm down after a near “war” with Savon? What do you do to calm down when frustrated? 
Hakeem Went Outside And Played His Guitar To Let Calm His Fristration. When Im Frustrated I Cry Or Listen Too Music Or Go To Bed

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday pages 193- 209 (1/2 of The Threshing Floor) During this part, we come back to the present where John is having a very dramatic spiritual revival.  Develop 3 specific questions you have about this part of the book. If they are answered in the second half, be sure to answer them!

What Was The Sin That John's Father Was Saying He Was Going Too Beat Out Of Him ? When Then He Realize It Was Sin In John ?

When Will John Stand Up Too His Father And Say How He Feel ?

What Made John Develop All This Sin That His Father Speak Of ?

Tuesday pages 210-221(Finish The Threshing Floor) Predict a future action for one of these characters, Florence, Gabriel, John, or Elizabeth.

John Will Finally Get Mad And Explode Tell His Father Off And Tell Him Why He Been Sinning. Also He Will Run Away And Go And Find A Life Without His Father.Finally Gabriel Will Try And Find John Too Make Amends Too His Relationship With Him After He Realize He Had Did Wrong But It Will Be A Lil Too Late So He Will Be The Cause Of The Destruction Of Him And His Son Relationship.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday(151-160) - Elizabeth calls her aunt the "second" in a "series of disasters". What was the first? And how did the first disaster lead to the second? 
The First Disaster Was Elizabeth Mother Dying And As Time Goes By it Only Gets Worse

Tuesday(161-171) Elizabeth goes with Richard to New York- Although Elizabeth doesn't agree with Richards risky and anti- Christian lifestyle, why doesn't Elizabeth leave Richard? Do you agree with her decision? 
Elizabeth doesnt leave because she Felt that Richard Needed Her For Protection. And I Agree With Her Decision Because She will Get Her Blessing And Its The Right Thing Too Do Because If She was in Richard Shoes She Would Want Someone Protect Her.

Wednesday(172-183) - Identify a metaphor (NOT simile) in this section. How does this metaphor help you understand or feel as if you are in the story? 
"Hiding-place hewn in the side of the mountain". This Helps Me Understand The Story Because It Shows That Elizabeth finds comfort in Gabriel.

Thursday (184- 192)- Florence and Elizabeth have an interesting conversation about people's ability to change. From Elizabeth's prayer, do you feel she genuinely changes after Richard dies and meeting Gabriel? Why or why not? 
Yes Elizabeth Changes Because She Looks Too Gabriel As A Way Too Leave Her Sinful And Past Days Behind Her And Too Start Over And Turn Her Life Into Something Good And Better For Herself.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Read Response (:

Monday – First 10 pages of “Gabriel’s Prayer” (87-97)
Compare Gabriel’s father to the way Gabriel raises his children. How might the way Gabriel was raised influence the way Gabriel raises John and the others?

Gabriel Dad Was Hard On Gabriel As Soon As He Was Born So Gabriel was Negetively Affected By This Gabriel is More Strict And Harsh Too His Kids He Is Raising Them How He Was Raised When He Was Younger.

Tuesday – Next 10 pages of “Gabriel’s Prayer” (98-108
In this section Gabriel has a flashback to his life as a young adult. He describes in a detail a very important woman, Deborah. Who is Deborah and how does Gabriel view her?

Gabriel view Deborah As The Request God Has Sent To Him. So He Marries Her Because He Feel Thats what God Wanted Him Too Do.

Wednesday –page (109-119)
Describe the Dream Gabriel has in this section.

Gabriel Had A Dream That The Devil Was Trying Bring Him Down And Sent Demons To Bring The Worst Out Of Him. Then He Had Another Dream That He Heard A Voice That Told Him To Come To The Top And He Started To Climb.

Thursday (120-129)
Identify three examples of vernacular language.

Tryna . ain't i . i does my best

Friday Finish Gabriel’s Prayer
The author James Baldwin uses imagery (descriptions of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch) to bring the reader into the story. Identify 3 examples of imagery (there is a particularly gruesome and depressing scene I’m thinking about)

Gabriel Climbing The Mountain And The Devil Send Demons To Come And Get Him And He Wakes Up In The Bathroom

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Who is John Grimms? Describe is character (age, behavior, friends, family)
He the main character and he is the son of Elizabeth and his stepfather is Gabriel. He 14 years old. He is sensitive And heroic. John Grimms family fights alot and very religious.

Where does this novel take place? Consider location and time. How does this affect the plot of the story. If it took place in 2011, would the story be different? How? Discuss a detail from the section.
It takes place in harlem back in segregation would be equal not as much harsh methods towards the people.

Religion plays a crucial role in John's life.  How did America's Puritan history affect John's father. (Consider the Puritan texts we've read in class.) 

American's Puritan History Affected John's Father Because He's Father Would Have Them Pray For Hours And He Believe In The Lord Very Strongly. John's Father Took Religious Value Serious He Wanted Them To Love And Believe In The Lord.

In this section we read from Florence's perspective. She does not often share her opinions with her family. What does she think of the Northern church, as opposed to her church in the south? Use one quote to support your answer.
Florence felt That The Churches In The North Was Over Dramatic And They Put On Because They Scream , Shouted And Felt The Lord Aloud. As The Church In The South Was Very Quiet And They Praise The Lord In A Silent Way. "Even if the Lord should lay some great burden on one's back--as He had done, but never so heavy a burden as this she carried now---one prayed in silence. Florence View Of A Church Was Not To be Loud About Jesus But Be Thankful And Fulling In Slience.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


How does Hamlet respond to Ophelia's death? Who does he feel he is in competition with? 
Hamlet Respond To Ophelia Death Is He Mourn And Is Upset Seeing Her Laying In The Grave But Soon Gets Mad When He See Laertes Jump Into The Grave He Feel That He Is In Competition With Him To Show Who Love Ophelia More. 

Which character that dies in the final scene do you believe was most guilty and least guilty? Why? The Character I Believe is The Least Guilty Is The Queen Because Through Out The Play She Didnt Try And Hurt Anyone She was Very Peaceful. She Was Just trying Help Hamlet Out And Ended Up Drinking The Poison. I Believe The Most Guilty Was Claudius Because He Killed Hamlet's Father Because He Was Jealous And Through The Play He Was Lying And Decisive To Everyone. Also because He Tried Too Play Everyone Against Hamlet By Trying Getting Hamlet Killed. 

Shakespeare’s Writing
1. What were the three types of plays that Shakespeare wrote? Which of these
categories would Hamlet fit into? Explain why.
 The Three Types Of Plays Shakespeare Wrote Was History , Comedy , Tragedy. I Think Hamlet Would Fit Into Tragedy.I Say Tragedy Because Through The Story It was About A Boy Name Hamlet Who Faced A Very Bad Tragedy Which His Father Died And He was Set Out To Revenge His Father's Death. Hamlet also Losing His Mind And His Mother Marrying His Uncle After His Father Died. Through The Play Other Characters Died Such As The Girl He Loved. Then At The End His Mother Was Killed. So Through Hamlet People Was Dying Slowly From Tragic Deaths.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hamlet Questions 2

What is Polonius's relationship with Reynaldo? Reynaldo Is The Bulter Of Polonius 
What is Polonius's relationship with Laertes? Polonuis Is Laertes's Father.
What is Laertes relationship with Reynaldo? Laertes And Reynaldo Is Nothing He There Servant Of Laertes And Reynaldo Is Being Sent To Paris By Polonuis To Spy On Laertes.
How does the father of Ophelia, Polonius, interpret Hamlet's madness? Why is he wrong? What is Hamlet really going crazy over? Polonius Thinks That Hamlet Madness Is Because Hamlet Is Heartbroken Over Ophelia.Hamlet Is Really Going Crazy Because He Havent Yet Revange His Father Death.
 In this scene we run into the popular phrase "To be or not to be" (Original Text) How does the modern text interpret this? Why is Hamlet thinking about this question?  Hamlet Is Thinkin About This Question Because He Was Thinking About If He Wanted To Be Alive Or Dead. Also He Is Trying To See If He Want To Be Alive Still Or Will He Be Better Off Dead.
If I Was a Interviewer and I wanted To get to know the whole story i would make small conversation with Hamlet Then I Would Ask Him , Why You Been So Angry ? How Do You Feel About Your Mother And The King ? Why You Never Talk About Your Father ? What Happend To Your Father ? Why Do You Treat The King The Way You Do ? Why Are You Acting This Way Towards Your Mother ? Why Are You So Angry With The King ?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ericia W

There Was A Different Between The Hamlet By Shakespeare And The Simpsons Clip. In The Simpsons Clip It Started Off When Bart(Hamlet) Was In The Bed Sleep And Homer(The Ghost) Came Into Bart(Hamlet) Room And Said Hamlet Revenage Me. Bart(Hamlet)Then Said It Look Like You Return From The Buffet To Homer(Ghost) But In Hamlet By Shakespeare Hamlet Saw The Ghost Because Horatio And Marcellus Came  To Hamlet And Told Him About The Ghost They Had Been Seeing For The Last Couple Of Nights. When The Ghost Saw Hamlet There He Wouldnt Speak Because He Saw The Others Around Instead The Ghost Waved Hamlet To Come With Him. As Hamlet Tried To Leave Marcellus And Horatio Tried To Hold Him Back. Marcellus Then Said "Sir , Your Not Going". Hamlet Said "Let Me Go". Also Hamlet Said "It's Still Waving At Me----- Go Head I Will Follow". Hamlet Then Followed The Ghost Then Marcellus And Horatio Tried To Talk Him Out Of Going With The Ghost But Hamlet Still Went With The Ghost. As Hamlet Was With The Ghost The Ghost Told Hamlet What The Uncle Did To Him And We Need To Get Revenge. On The Other Hand In The Simpsons Version Bart Was Saying Funny Things. In Shakespeare Hamlet Was Shocked Of The News He Was Hearing. Also Homer Was Trying Grab Bart When He Made The Funny Joke. In The Simpsons Version Homer Never Broke Out Into A Rash But In Shakespeare Version He Went Into Detail What Happenend He Gave More Of A Visual Image. In The Simpsons Bart Said Was The Fat Ghost True About What He Said And He Asked The Ghost What To Do The Ghost Said He Didnt Know Then He Left And Came Back. Afterwards Bart Said That He Had To Get Moe(The Uncle) To Confess And He Was Gone Kill Him. Next They Ended Up At a Show And Bart Was Giving Hints About That Moe Killed Homer. Then Moe Had Told On His Self But He Made Up a Excuse People Brought. At The Show Lisa(Ophelia) Started To Act Crazy Because Of Bart. Finally Polonius Was Behind The Queen curtins When Bart Went In Her Room To Kill Moe. Bart Stabbed Polonius And Killed Him Before He Died He Told His Son Laertes To Revage His Death. In The Dinning Room Moe Had Covered Everything With Poising And Gave Laertes A Sword Where Laertes Killed His-self. Moe Was Killed By Bart And Bart Slipped On Some Blood And Died And The Queen Killed Herself Because She Didnt Want To Clean Up The Blood. In Shakespeare The Last Thing That Happenend Was The Hamlet Made Marcellus And Horatio To Promise They Would Never Talk About The Ghost And What They Saw.